Writing and Publishing
Writer’s Digest: 6 Tips to Writing a Bestselling YA Series
GalleyCat: Toni Morrison On Failure
Epic Reads: The 18 Most Beautiful YA Endpapers in the World
The Book Designer: What the Art of Storytelling Can Teach Us about Marketing
Tech Crunch: Amazon’s ‘Write On’ Crowd-Publishing Platform Opens To All
“The Amazon platform allows anyone to share anything they’re working on at any stage. They can offer full works, chapters, outlines, vague character sketches or even just single snippets and poll the community for feedback.”
Newarama: The Future of Comics? ‘BUNDLES’ Offer Publishers New Customers
Writer Unboxed: Literary gender shape shifting
“Nobody seriously asks how you can possibly write from the viewpoint of say, a werewolf, a sorcerer, or a ghost. It’s just assumed the imagination takes over. But when it comes to gender, well-meaning people can sound as though they think it’s a far greater stretch.”
Karen Woodward: Crying Uncle: When Should We Lay A Story Aside?
Social Media Marketing
Business to Community: Social Media Marketing With Hashtags
Social Times: How Freelancers Should Be Using Social Media
Social Media Examiner: 44 Social Media Tools Recommended by the Pros
Social Media Examiner: Video Blogging: How to Become a Video Personality
Social Media Examiner: 7 Visual Ideas That Will Increase Your Social Engagement
Jami Gold: Should We Change Our Blogging Style?
Fantasy/ Sci-Fi/Horror
ABC: Fantasy Author Terry Pratchett Dies at 66
Daily Record: Terry Pratchett: Top ten quotes from best-selling author
Mashable: Why we’re so obsessed with zombies
Black Girl Nerds: Why Can’t Strong Female Characters Just Be Complex?
Muddy Colors: What Women Want…in Women Characters
Ciara Ballintyne: How To Carry A Claymore: Crazy Things I Learned Researching Books
io9: 5 horror movies so gruesome, the makers were investigated for cruelty and murder
Hell Horror: Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015) – International Trailer
Hell Horror: ‘Independence Day 2’ Sequel Casts Jeff Goldblum, Jessie Usher, Liam Hemsworth and Release Date
The Verge: Tron 3 is in the works from director of the beautiful and flawed Tron: Legacy
Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: Male authors on feminism in SFF [Video]
Nerdreactor: Marvel announced 6 villains joining Netflix’s Daredevil series
io9: A Closer Look At Sentinel’s Lovely Extremis Iron Man
io9: This Notorious B.I.G./Dinosaurs Mash-Up Video Is My New Happy Place
Tor.com: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark Presents Little Kid with Iron Man Bionic Arm
Geek.com: Wonder Woman and Superman get new costumes in the comics
Cnet: Nintendo pushes video game industry positive in February
“The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask for its 3DS portable game system, was the best-selling portable game in the franchise’s history, according to industry watcher the NPD Group.”
Nerdist: It’s Cinderella vs. Belle in this princess rap battle