Neil Gaiman on How Stories Last
MIND MELD: Judging a Book by Its Cover
How Do We Talk About Strong Female Characters?
[GUEST POST] Tansy Rayner Roberts on Fantasy, Female Writers & The Politics of Influence
[GUEST POST] Tansy Rayner Roberts on Fantasy, Female Writers & The Politics of Influence
Video Games and The Girl at Midnight– “video games were my best teacher”
Writing Life and Publishing
Battling bias on the shop floor: how bookstores can support diversity
Gaming, Writing And Collaboration With Nathan Meunier
Battling bias on the shop floor: how bookstores can support diversity
Gaming, Writing And Collaboration With Nathan Meunier
Point of View: What Does Your Character Know?
You don’t get paid unless people actually read your book: the new Kindle Unlimited royalties
In Self-Publishing, The Gatekeepers Are Dead. Long Live The Gatekeepers!
Channing Tatum confirms Gambit won’t be in X-Men: Apocalypse I love Gambit. I really can’t picture Channing Tatum doing him justice. I don’t have a problem with Tatum as an actor. I just can’t see it.
The top 5 video games at E3 2015
30 Ultimately Effective Social Media Tools For Writers
On the Charleston Church Shooting. Well said Jon Stewart.