Title: The Art of Shadows (Book 2 of The Marradith Ryder Series
Author: Lori Titus
Genre: Paranormal
Available: November 5, 2016
Dead ShapeShifters. A missing warlock. And a demon with an ancestral grudge.
Marradith Ryder’s job as a Sojourner means she is tasked with finding threats of the paranormal sort, and stopping them before they cause havoc. Even with Justin and Fiona to help her, things get complicated fast. And as they face one danger, a new one presents itself, threatening Marradith and those she loves.
This is the second book in The Marradith Ryder Series, which began with Hunting in Closed Spaces. The series also includes two novellas: The Moon Goddess and Marradith, Darkly.
I saw a dead man today.
This morning, he stood beneath a tree in my back yard, arms crossed, and eyes glowing. The rain didn’t touch him, but I could see it falling all around him. The sun moved behind the clouds and lit his ethereal frame. He put a finger to his lips. Shhhhh. There are no words, but I feel his pain. It’s always with me. I was with him when he died, six months ago. He took a part of my being with him that can’t be replaced. Perhaps that’s why he comes only to me.
Then he was gone, just as suddenly as he came, leaving behind nothing but the sound of the wind and rain and the house settling around me.
Lori Titus is a Californian with an affinity for horror and dark fiction. Her work explores mysticism and reality, treading the blurred line between man and monster. She thrives on coffee and daydreams when she isn’t writing or plotting out a new story. Her latest novel is The Art of Shadows, the second book in The Marradith Ryder Series.