Welcome to the weekly roundup of links for fantasy, sci-fi, horror readers and writers
13 haunted hotels across the U.S.
STRANGER THINGS Season 2 Gets Off to a Surprisingly Somber Start
STRANGER THINGS Season 2 Gets Off to a Surprisingly Somber Start
Netflix is launching a Stranger Things after show
Joe Hill on writing horror in an era of Twitter and toxic politics
Why haunted houses are Hollywood’s next big thing
Why haunted houses are Hollywood’s next big thing
Shelter Sorts Dogs Into Hogwarts Houses, Leading to More Adoptions
Want to see your post in the next The Week in Links? Email me at [email protected]. The post needs to be published between today, 10/27 and next Friday, 11/3.
Google’s New Earbuds Translate Dozens of Languages in Real Time
Logan Spin-off Movie Script About X-23 Is In The Works
Book Marketing and Branding
Logan Spin-off Movie Script About X-23 Is In The Works
Instagram’s new Superzoom feature is the best creative tool since the Boomerang
Photography and Design
Want to see your post in the next The Week in Links? Email me at [email protected]. The post needs to be published between today, 10/27 and next Friday, 11/3.