Welcome to the Week in Links, a roundup of the latest articles for fantasy, sci-fi and horror readers and writers.
A new Infinity War Trailer dropped today!!!
Book Marketing and Branding
What Pew Research Center Social Media Stats Mean for Authors
The Amazing Ways Instagram Uses Big Data And Artificial Intelligence
15 Reasons Why Your Book Isn’t Selling
Check Out the Cover to The Black God’s Drums, a New Novella from P. Djèlí ClarkBlack Panther gets a fantastic deleted scene, thanks to Saturday Night Live
PACIFIC RIM : Uprising in LEGO! [Stop-Motion Trailer]
What is Fantasy, Exactly?
Jeff Goldblum Stars In The New Jurassic World Evolution Game
Video Editing Fundamentals: Exporting Projects for the Web
Want to see your post in the next The Week in Links? Email me at [email protected]. The post needs to be published between today, 3/16 and next Friday, 3/23.