We get very few long-running animes anymore. Most are like 11- 24 episodes. Few get more than one season. Sword Art Online is one m favorite long-running animes. It has isn’t problems. I’m not a huge fan of Gun Gale Online or the fairy one. Asuna is one of my favorite characters. I love when she kicking butt. I’m don’t care for seasons that turn her into a damsel in distress or sit her on the sidelines. Which is why I love Mother’s Rosario even though the ending makes me cry every time.

I loved, loved the recent movie. A new season drops in October and they released the trailer yesterday. Don’t know how I feel about this one. The trailer looks like this season’s gonna be dark just like all the other one. It also looks epic. I’ve read some summaries of this arc. Don’t know if we’re going to see Asuna fighting this time around. We’ll see. From the comments, people seem to really love this arc. Here’s the trailer!