I’m gathering my posts about world building to turn them into an ebook. Problem is, there’s a ton of world building ebooks out there. How will mine be different? Most books seem to focus on building traditional, Tolkienesque, worlds.
I see an opening.

I’ll focus on dark, non-traditional, world building. I need to do research. Is there a reason people aren’t publishing books on building a non-traditional fantasy world?
I also need to figure out what dark fantasy world building means. Post-apocalyptic landscapes, mixing magic and technology, diversity, anti-heroes, vicious magical creatures. I’ll also need some new content. Why would people pay for the book when they could just read all of content on my blog for free?
I’m having trouble arranging the posts into a book with a nice flow.
Often, I’ve been hearing publishing professionals talk about breaking up content so readers can only take what they need. The name of the game is personalization. Instead of one ebook, mine could be a series. Don’t know if that’ll work though. I don’t have enough content for that.
This will be my first teaching book. Don’t know when I’ll release it since Chains of the Sciell is coming out in 2 months and I have another novella that I had to put on hold. Look out for more info!