A buzzing lives in your stomach. Your chest flips at the turn of each page. Your arms shake. All you want to do is pound your fist on the table and scream, “Yes, it works!” You can’t stop smiling.
Excitement. When you’ve worked on something for so long, when you hit roadblock after roadblock and then, finally, finally, it’s finished. Ever have that feeling?
I wanted to do something different with Lifting Shadows, add some creepy images. Of course, that came with a boatload of problems. But, it’s finished! I’ll talk about the roadblocks in another post.
The Halloween special, Lifting Shadows is now available for FREE.

Strange eyes, horrifying features, dark powers often used for dark deeds. But, they aren’t evil. Not all the time. Look deeper. Befriend the monsters and you’ll see they aren’t as scary as they appear. Or, you peer into their darkness and discover they’re as bad as you feared. Are you brave enough to get close and see their shadows?
Inside this book, you’ll find powerful beings who murder freely but protect fiercely. You’ll find villains with just causes, driven mad by their circumstances. You may even find light in the darkness.

Stories in this collection:
Devdan Manor
Clipped Wings
The Unburned Island
The Sciell (Chapter 1)
Chains of the Sciell (Chapter 1)
The Are All Possessed
Welcome to My World

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