Creating the world is also helping me learn more about my characters. Not just how their powers work but what makes them tick- why they are the way they are. It gets me into their mind. You writers know, when you create a character they don’t stay on the page. If you wrote them well, they become living breathing people. They start to develop on their own. After awhile, the writer isn’t creating, we become a medium through which the character tells the world about their experiences.
If you haven’t noticed, I’m going off on little tangents. Bear with me, I’m just so excited about all the things I’m learning just by delving into their world and things are tying in together so nicely. Going off an a tangent was how this started, like I said, when I started this step in world building, I didn’t intend to go the route it did but when a story takes you somewhere, as a writer, you follow and worry about editing later. I’ve learned that with stories that want to be told. They will pester and pester you until you commit to them and release only when their place in your heart and mind are sealed.