“I have a perfect cure for a sore throat…. cut it”– Alfred Hitchcock

They raced from the theatre into what looked like an enclosed courtyard. The door slammed behind them. Cyl needed to see. He opened the door. Instead of a dying theatre, thick fog and a forest full of dark twisted trees spread out before them. Shadows bloomed like tall weeds. Each shaped like a demon—the ones that couldn’t pass as human. Some stood as tall as the trees. Other were no taller than his knee. They dominated this dark forest. White fog weaved between them. The trees’ twisted limbs swayed. They reached for the shadows. One appeared before Cyl. Too close. Tortured faces and arms reached through the shadowy body. Trapped souls. The mouths hung open in agony. The eye sockets were curled with glee.

“Thank you for your submissions for the 2015 Midwinter Meeting Pop Top Stage.
We would be delighted to host Auden Johnson with her love for Dark Fantasy in combination with horror. We feel that is of interest to our audience. With that said, as she was interested/available for panel discussions, we are interested in having her present on a Dark Fantasy vs. Science Fiction panel.
We foresee the panel talking about the differences in general and from a development perspective in writing those novels. At this point we are looking at 4 potential presenters for the session. We would like to host the session on Saturday, January 31 3:00pm-4:00pm. Per the submission, that was her second choice time slot.
I will have more details regarding the session and information needed in a memo shortly. Please respond to this email as you have received the information and confirm that Auden is still available and interested in our proposal.”
This is for the American Library Association’s (ALA) Midwinter Meeting. It’s like a smaller version of BEA for library professionals. In the past, my publisher submitted several speaking request for me. She was turned down every time. This request for ALA was like “why not?” We really didn’t expect it to be accepted.
Don’t give up!