Mythic Scribes: Writing Warfare in Fantasy: A Guide to the Battle Scene
BookRiot: Defining The End of the World As We Know It: Apocalyptic vs. Dystopia vs. Spec Fic
Marty Young: The Wonderfully Horrific World of Female Horror Writers
SF Signal: MIND MELD: Our Favorite Horror Novels by Women
Stashed Neill Blomkamp Confirms New “Alien” Sequel; Sigourney Weaver to Return?
Writing and Publishing
Social Media Examiner: Book Marketing: Wisdom From Seth Godin
Self-Publishing Review: How to Choose Kindle Keywords
Kristen Lamb’s Blog: Three NEVERS of Social Media for Writers
Jane Friedman: Start Here: How to Self-Publish Your Book
I Make Up Words: Writing Is Never A Waste of Time
“First of all, if writing gives you pleasure it is NEVER wasted time. NEVER.
I can pretty much recite the utilitarian argument because we see it so much: if you don’t get paid for it, if no one else thinks it is worth money, if you don’t sell X amount or receive Y number of positive reviews, then “you” don’t count.”
Minorities in Publishing: Interview with Monica Odom
Publisher’s Weekly: CCBC Stats Show Children’s Books Shifting Toward Diversity
Terribleminds: How “Strong female characters” still end up weak and powerless (or, “Do they pass the action figure test?”)
The Book Designer: How to Keep Your Fiction Marketing Lean and Focused
When it comes to a fiction readership, blogging is actually much better for keeping attention rather than getting it.
The Portland Mercury: Whatever, J-Franz: Here are the Organizations Actually Addressing Diversity in Publishing
Topless Robot: First Official Image of Jason Momoa as Aquaman!
Nerd Bastards: Kentucky Town Issues Arrest Warrant for ‘Frozen’s Elsa for Record Cold Temps
Anime News Network: Naruto Art Exhibit Promoted in TV Spots
Japanator: Sword Art Online II heads to Toonami
The wildly popular, Sword Art Online will be showing its second season on Toonami next month, starting on March 28th.
Nerdist: Directors Cut: Top 5 Hayao Miyazaki Movies
CNET: Scientists propose ‘cortical modem’ implant to give you Terminator vision
“scientists have proposed a “cortical modem” that plugs into your DNA and your visual cortex to cure sight loss and show a heads-up display in front of your very eyes”