October is one of my favorite months. NY Comic Con is in a couple of weeks. The weather’s not too hot or too cold. The leaves change colors. More importantly, it’s a whole month for celebrating horror. I have some fun things planned for you.
You probably noticed that new image near the top of the sidebar.

I’m starting a newsletter! Took me 3 days to get the confirmation email and the reward right. Sign up and you’ll get the first 3 chapters of Chains of the Sciell. You’ll also get scans of handwritten notes that helped make this story. Find more info about the newsletter HERE or by clicking the image in the sidebar.
If you’ve been following this blog for awhile, you’ve probably noticed the ever changing header. I’m not doing that on purpose. I simply can’t stop designing. I decided to have some fun with it. Each month, this blog and my social networks, will have a themed header. Here’s s sneak peek of October’s header.

October Release
Building Dark Worlds: A World Building Guide is being released October 27. It’ll be available for pre-orders soon.

Story and a Giveaway!
I’ll be running my first giveaway on this blog. It’s the first time I’m using Rafflecopter. I’m looking forward to it. Here’s a sneak peek of the giveaway prize.

The giveaway will run 10/5-10/26 along side a Choose Your Own Adventure horror story. I’ll be posting a horror/dark fantasy story series on this blog every Monday in October. You get to vote on what happens next in the story!
Virtual Book Tour Host

I’m a tour host for Enchanted Book and Goddess Fish Promotion. Every Wednesday, I’ll feature books or a guest post. Occasionally, I’ll publish these promotional posts on days other than Wednesday if it’s a book/author I’m really interested in. If you want to write a guest post of have your book featured on my blog, email me at audendjohnson (at) gmail (dot) com!
-Update- Virtual FantasyCon

I’m participating in Virtual FantasyCon!!!
“Flavour of Fantasy is an online group and collective. We’re hosting the first ever Virtual (online) FantasyCon. It will be held online in a Facebook Event on November 1-8, 2015.
There will also be panel discussions via YouTube, a Scavenger Hunt, Giveaways, and a Cosplayer Costume Contest with a daily prize for the best selfie and costume and a grand prize.”
I’m speaking on a panel about creating magic systems! Follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook page to keep up-to-date on this event.
Nov 1- Sci-Fi Sunday
Nov 2- Paranormal Monday
No 3- Dark Tuesday (I’m participating on this day)
Nov 4- Epic Wednesday