Welcome to the weekly roundup of links for fantasy, sci-fi, horror readers and writers
Book Marketing and Branding
4 Social Media Productivity Tips for Authors
11 Top Tools To Monitor Your Social Media Presence In 2017
11 Top Tools To Monitor Your Social Media Presence In 2017
N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season TV Adaptation in Development
Stephen King’s IT VR Experience Invites Everyone to Float with Pennywise
The Evil Within 2’s Newest Trailer Introduces A Twisted Photographer
New Trailer: Netflix + Anime + Godzilla = Badass Entertainment!
Writing, Publishing and Bookishness
Discoverability: Go Wide
How to Write a Paragraph in 2017 (Yes, the Rules Have Changed)
Discoverability: Go Wide
How to Write a Paragraph in 2017 (Yes, the Rules Have Changed)
Legendary Anime Director Hayao Miyazaki To Make New Movie
Make a Facebook Cover for Your Business That Stands Out
Want to see your post in the next The Week in Links? Email me at [email protected]. The post needs to be published between today, 8/18 and next Friday, 8/25.