I’ve never been much of a list person, but world building is turning me into one. My journals have no sense of organization. Going through them is a pain. Recently, I’ve had to list all the major threats facing my characters in book 2. More than half way through the book and I can’t keep track of them all. I’ve tried outlining. I don’t care for it. I prefer discovering the story as I write.
To get a better picture of my world, I listed the Wonders. For me, this was similar to creating a character profile. Countries have personalities.
I’m fascinated by those unexplored/unexplained places. There’s something…romantic about untouched places when most of the world is inhabited. I like how, even in our modern world, there are still things people can’t fully explain. I wanted to put that into my world.

The Lahyjion Library– Has the largest collection of books and historical artifacts from around the world.
Later, a team discovered rare stones in the tunnels, which started the Mining Age. Due to a series of events, each territory shut down the mines years later. Now, people aren’t allowed in the tunnels. Only well connected researchers can enter them.