This is my review from Goodreads.

Four Corners Dark by William McNally
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I’ve owned Four Corners Dark for a while. I needed my horror fix, so I picked up this one. It’s a collection of four stories. I still judge a book by the cover and I love this cover. It’s simple yet chilling.
It’s been a while since I read a straight horror book. I’d forgotten most horror stories, especially short ones, are a bit obscure. For the most part, I enjoyed the stories. They’re a fast read. Maybe too fast. I was so into them that I rushed through them. When I reached the end, I felt like I was missing something. I’m thinking I’ll reread them. I’ll definitely have to go back over Engine 18 . I did not understand the ending. I especially liked The Raven Mocker. Nothing like a vengeful spirit. The Spinning Wheel had such a sweet ending, but not so disgusting that it ruined the book.
Were these stories scary? Not really, but I’ve stopped expecting horror stories to scare me. The curse of reading them all your life. Don’t know when was the last time a horror story scared me. Anyway, all in all, an enjoyable read. The stories weren’t thoroughly disturbing that I was scarred for life. They had the right about of horror.
5 thoughts on “Review: Four Corners Dark”
A fine review, Auden!
Thanks, William!
I like quick reads, especially horror. If a horror story drags on too much, I'll put it down, even if I'm in the middle of it.
Agreed, I get bored easily. I'll put the book down if it gets tedious, unless I already know and like the author.
I love the cover! Really only ghost stories truly scare me, but I still enjoy horror of all kinds.
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