I stopped paying attention to Klout last year. I couldn’t understand how they came up with the score. I was learning most people didn’t care about your Klout score. However, I stared using it again maybe a month ago. Not for my score. Though, it’s hard not to pay attention to it.
A part of my brand is finding and sharing useful/entertaining content. Klout lets me create subject categories I want to be known for like writing or fantasy. It’ll give me content on those subjects and suggest people to follow on Twitter. More importantly, it’s free.

Twylah has something similar but you have to pay for it. So, I use that site to track my trending topics on Twitter to see if they align with my brand topics. See my Brand Page.
I have Google Alerts for my brand topics. I added a ton of websites and blogs to Feedly. But, the articles Klout gives me are ones I don’t come across on my own- which is amazing. They aren’t the kind of off target articles I sometimes get with Google Alerts.
Klout tell you if an article is “on target” or if it’s “on the rise”, in terms of trends. Some articles are labeled as “hidden gems”- as in your followers would like this article but less half of them have read it. When scheduling posts, Klout tells you when’s the best time to share that article.

I have no idea how Klout collects all this data on my followers. I decided to conduct an experiment since nothing I did increased engagement on Twitter. Before I started using Klout, my Twitter followers kept decreasing. Nothing I did increased engagement and followers.
So far, Klout’s been working out for me. My Twitter followers- not spammers- have been steady increasing. I’m getting more retweets and favorites. Not significant but more than I used to get.
I’m now using Klout on another Twitter account I’m managing to see if I get the same results. I’ll keep you posted.
Have you used Klout for content sharing? What’s been your experience?