Head over to Booker Like a Hooker- that name is an attention grabber 😉 -for my guest post 10 things about a Blogger.
Chains of the Sciell is out!
Check out a review it got yesterday from Natural Bri!
Since this is book launch week, I wanted to research any special promotional ideas. You know, to see if there was anything more I could do.
Here are some useful articles I found about launching a book and some things I learned from my own experiences. I should’ve thought about this weeks, maybe even months, ago. I’ll know for next time.
- Create a tweetable free chapter 9 Ways to Use Social Media to Launch a Book
- Form a launch team How to Launch a Bestselling Book
- Create a video 😉 Behind the Scenes: Creating an Author Video
- A Blog Tours helps and hiring someone to manage your tour doesn’t cost that much. I paid Goddess Fish $95 for a 10-12 stop tour. I expected to pay a lot more. So far, I’m happy with the results.
- Start a hashtag campaign. My characters mold energy from Darkness into anything they can think of. I’m creating a video talking about that and what I’d do if I could mold energy from Darkness. Then, I’ll turn the question to the viewers. They can respond using #ChainsofTheSciell
- Use keywords. In your title, in your description, etc. Let your book be found! 15 Things I Learned Launching My Book
- Don’t be afraid to fail. If you have a promotion idea and have the resources for it, do it. You won’t know the results until you try it.
- Build your email list. 71 Ways to Promote and Market Your Book This, obviously, should be done way in advance.
- Do a Sale. 10 Free (or Mostly Free) Book Launch Strategies If your book is part of a series, think about discounting the first book. I’m thinking of dropping the price on The Sciell for a limited time. This isn’t easy to do with BookBaby. Unlike Amazon KDP, the price change can take over a week to apply to all the online retailers.
- Focus on the long game. Jeff Goin’s on What I Learned from Launching My First Best Seller