5 Creepy Short Horror Films to Watch on YouTube

Some horror short films have better acting and visuals than some feature-length movies. And, they’re free.  I used to watch a lot of short horror movies on YouTube. My favorite was Lights Out which actually became a movie. I think that film got me into horror shorts.

I stopped watching them for a while, though. Don’t remember the reason. I think I got distracted by video game Let’s Plays. Recently, a new video by ponysmasher, the channel behind Light Out, popped up on the feed. It came out a month ago so not really new. I decided to see what other horror shorts were now on YouTube. Here are some good ones I found.

Not Alone in Here: Ponysmasher

The Sky-Cosmic Horror: Matt Sears


Here There Be Monsters: Alter


Behind the Frame: Dylan Clark

NSFW: Screamfest

Do you have any horror shorts recommendations?
If you’re interested in more creepy films, check out my playlist.