Special Announcements! Shutterstock accepted two of my photos!! Still, still blown away. They also rejected some saying the shots are poorly lit, out of focus, or not composed properly. This started me on a new adventure–researching photography tips and Photoshop fixes. Ideally, I want to take a class, but I don’t have the money right now. To Google.
Here are some articles that helped me:
10 best photography tips for beginners
10 Quick Tips to Fix Your Bad Photos
An Introduction to Image Composition: How to Crop
The 7 Tips for getting tack-sharp photos every time
How to Fix Overexposed Photos in Photoshop
This Infographic is a Complete Guide to Photography for Beginners
Since I’m attending NYU, I have access to Lynda.com. For those who don’t know: “lynda.com is a leading online learning company that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Through individual, corporate, academic and government subscriptions, members have access to the lynda.com video library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts.”
I’ve been going through some photography courses. They are amazing. Lydna.com isn’t free. If you can afford it, I highly recommend it. They do offer a 10-day free trial.
I also subscribed to:
YouTube Channel: Phlearn Photoshop and Photography Tutorials
I haven’t looked into it yet, but there are probably photography meetups. You can also search “Photography Tips” on Pinterest.
Find my photos on:
DeviantArt– free stock photos available
Do you have a go-to site or hashtag for photography tips and tricks? Comment below!