This weather needs to stop playing with my emotions. We’re finally seeing the back of winter yet we can’t get a good couple of days of warm weather. Saturday was a beautiful 75 degrees. Then Sunday came and the temperature dropped to 57. Seriously?!
Anyway, as usual, I enjoyed the brief warm weather by taking pictures. I’m still trying to figure out what else I can do with my pictures. I take hundreds of them and they just sit on my computer.
Trees are blooming. As you can image, my neighborhood smells amazing. Halfway to the park, I realized I didn’t take any allergy medicine. Fortunately, I didn’t have any problems.

I finally captured 2 birds I’ve been hunting since last year!

Don’t know why this made me so happy. It’s just a photograph.
Stumbled on the turtle family reunion.

For some reason, I never took the trails going through Prospect Park. I wandered through them over the weekend and saw parts of the park I hadn’t seen before!

I braved the colder weather on Sunday to walk Oreo through the park. She enjoyed it more than I did.