Welcome to the world of dark fantasy author Auden Johnson. I’m your host for this stop in the tour.
This is your post for the ACOA Scavenger Hunt and I am pleased to be hosting AMBER DAULTON. In her post you will find a number, not in written text, but as a numerical number. Write it down and collect them all as you visit every post along the way. Good Luck!
Amber Daulton picked up her first romance book at 72 years old and found her niche. She loved to read about foreign lands and cultures, and soon stated to write her own tales of love, hate, sorrow and happily ever after. She published her first book in two thousand and twelve and hopes to publish countless more in the future. As a fan of contemporary, paranormal and historical romance novels alike, she can’t get enough of feisty heroines and alpha heroes. Her mind is a wonderland of adventure, laughter and awesome ways of kicking a guy when he’s down. She probably wouldn’t be too sane without her computer and notebooks. After all, what’s a girl to do when there are people jabbering away in her head and it’s hard to shut them up? Write! Nothing else works.
Amber loves to chat. Look for her on:
“I’m so happy you came by today.” Elijah’s hot breath teased the sensitive hollow of her throat. His lips trailed across her shoulder blade, down her bare arm, and Annalise almost melted. Then he firmly grasped her waist with his palms and stared deep into her eyes. “I promised myself I would ask you out the next time you came in. If I’d known you worked across the street, I would’ve made time and stopped by to see you.”
“I should’ve put my insecurities aside months ago and just asked you.” Annalise felt vulnerable under his keen gaze. “I don’t ever wear haute couture clothes—this is the first time in my life that I’ve ever worn a dress like this—and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I’m not sexy. I’m not a little badass who wears safety pins and skulls on her clothes all the time. I’m just… Plain.”
He cupped her cheek in his palm. “I disagree. I remember the first time I saw you. My nerves were through the roof, I hated using cue cards for my first tour since I hadn’t memorized the information or studied the artwork on my own yet, and there you were at the back of my group. A blue scarf covered your curly hair—it rained that day and I could tell you were self-conscious about your hair because you kept patting it—and a white and blue striped dress hugged your body. You also wore a bulky denim jacket over it.”
“I bought the dress on a whim but I didn’t wear it until my friends dared me to. I felt uncomfortable in it, hence the jacket, so I later donated the dress to a thrift store.”
He sighed. “That’s too bad. Memories of you in that dress keep me awake at night.”
His mouth descended on hers, his arms encircled her waist, and the anger in her veins heated to

desire. Her heart pounded in her throat and she wanted to rip off Lucas’s clothes and kiss every inch of the arrogant baron.
Jaye jerked out of his embrace before she lost all control. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“I swear you’re a siren. You invade my every thought and I’m at my wits’ end on how to deal with you.” His dark gaze bore into hers. “I wish to court you.”
“How can you court me if I return home? You can’t have it both ways.”
“I’ll be blunt.” Lucas straightened his frock over his chest and towered over her. “You’re a respectable lady and I hold you in high esteem, but I do not believe you’re pure, contrary to my earlier assumption. Correct me if I’m wrong.”
“Virginal?” She clenched her fists as he nodded. “You’re not wrong. Is that a problem?”
“No. In fact, I’m relieved.” Lucas grasped her hand, sucked her index finger into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the digit. Her heart stuttered in her chest. Then he popped her finger back out with a smacking sound. “I will never utter a word of our affair to anyone. I will never slander your name, speak ill of you or hurt you. I just want to lose time in your body.”
His touch burned through her. “What you want is a mistress, not a proper courtship.”
“You’re right. I will find a way to return you to your family as promised but I need to lie beside you until then.” He clasped her narrow waist with his palms, nuzzled her hairline with his nose and then pressed small kisses along the curve of her neck. Goosebumps followed the trail of his lips. “I know you desire me, jaybird.”
numeral. Tally all the numbers you find during the hunt and tally them
together. This final number will be an entry in the Rafflecopter on the ENTER HERE page on the Official Website.
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Did you find the number? If you did, then click this author’s link- AMBER DAULTON -to continue the Scavenger Hunt.