My quest to capture nice photos of nature often sends me to the same locations. That’s the magic of nature photography. You can visit the same location repeatedly and take different photos of one subject.
A beautiful boathouse sits on a lake at one of my favorite photography spots. This boathouse does almost everything except dock or rent boats.

Don’t think I’ve ever seen a single boat on that lake.
Many years ago, when you could go inside this building, a set of stairs took you to the top floor, giving you a beautiful view of the park. I, unfortunately, didn’t take any nice nature photos from that vantage point. I don’t remember why. But, since then, I’ve been hoping to climb those steps again. But, unfortunately, the interior has been closed for a while. Well before everything shut down.
In the before times, when the weather was nice, you often see people hanging out on the steps.

If you were in the park late enough, you may have been able to spy on a party or two.

Even now, it’s still a popular photo spot. I still feel the pain of having to remove to people from my shots.

But I can understand why. No matter how many times I pass the boathouse, I usually snap a couple of photos. Recently, I’ve been telling myself not to. It’s nice but I don’t need a million photos of it.

The Photo Quest
Just finding these photos was a quest. I located a bunch of fall and winter shots but only a few is summer and no spiring.
100% thought I had way more images which lead me down a photo rabbit hole. I spent a full day looking through all the photos I’ve taken since 2016.
Still didn’t find more spring. Could’ve sworn I took more photos of the boathouse. But 56 is still a lot. Don’t worry, I’m not posting them all.
The Seasons
Winter is clearly my favorite time.

I took this one right at the beginning of spring.

Similarly, I capture this shot toward the end of fall. Most of the trees were bare but we still had a enough color to make a scene pop.

I don’t have as many warm weather photos probably because it’s a pain getting crowd-free shots. Removing one or two people is annoying but doable. Cleaning this is impossible.

Doing series like this is kinda fun. Organizing my photos to find similar subjects is not. But now that I know what I’m looking for, I can better manage them. Check out similar photo series about a train station through the seasons.
I didn’t walk into this series thinking I’m going to photography the boathouse through different seasons. As I mentioned before, I go to this park often and I happen to take pictures of the same subjects. In Lightroom, I usually organize photos by location. But, now I’m doing subjects as well. My keywords need to be both broad and specific. I can’t just label them as fall, tree, nature, Brooklyn.
Follow me on Instagram. To see more photos, visit my Behance page.